From the brain of J A Cullen.

Please take some time out of your hectic schedules to peruse the inner workings of my ever ticking mind.

Monday 22 June 2009

All the Crazy Ladies (Put a Sock In It)

Yesterday was Father's Day which meant heading over to the grandparents for some food, drink and banter. By banter I mean my uncle and grandmother debating some huge sociological argument. And all that's OK. It's fine and also preparing for debating life when you manage to get a word in edgewise.

But the title, crazy lady, comes later, after my uncle dropped off the dusty keyboard and my parents popped out for a father's day drink and my brother went to the cinema to see some juvenile film. I was sat in alone and the phone rang, as it does. Then, I heard the old quiet voice of the alcoholic enemy named Kirsten.

Kirsten, or Kirsty is the mother of my half-sister, who is hardly a sister as I know more about Nora from number 88 than my "sister". Anywho, she phoned up to moan, "I'm not your enemy." "I don't want to cause trouble for you." "Don't you want to see your sister." Firstly what does she mean 'enemy'. Nobody has enemies unless they're political powers or superheroes or soldiers. Enemy, please. Secondly, at 16 I don't think she is going to cause any trouble for me as I have done nothing wrong. Finally she puts me in the bad position as if I was some horrible person who is refusing to have contact with a ten year old relative. I don't want to meet my half-sister, because her crazy whackjob lush of a mother will tag along like the girl with the glasses and the mopey face who nobody all know who you are.

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